Wednesday, December 28, 2011

#17 & #27...check & check!

So I will be completely honest right off the bat...neither of these experiences are even remotely mind blowing or intriguing...but nonetheless, they made my list...and if you have 5 minutes to kill and are at all interested, feel free to read on...if not...I TOTALLY get it!

#17 Become an official Parishioner
Observation:  When I go to church in Napa, I often feel like a visitor.  I don't know anyone, no one knows me and it is hard to make it a priority to go.

Question:  If I become an official parishioner, make a concerted effort to go to church and become an active part of the congregation will I find I feel more at home?

Hypothesis: Becoming a registered parishioner is the first step to becoming an active member in my church community.

Materials: Registration form, envelope, stamp, pen

Method: On 12/28/2011 I filled out the St. Apollinaris Catholic Church registration form and mailed it in

Results: I am now a registered member of St. Apollinaris Catholic Church

Discussion: I was raised Catholic.  13 years of Catholic education.  Nine of which involved a red and blue plaid skirt, a Peter Pan collar and knee socks...oh yes...who could forget the knee socks?
I was baptized as an infant. Received reconciliation & communion at 7 and was confirmed at 15. 
I sang in the choir, read at every school mass and was an angel (literally...not figuratively) in the Christmas play at least 6 times.

We went to church EVERY Sunday. NO. MATTER. WHAT.  If we had a swim meet..we went in sweats and moon boots with wet butts and dripping hair.  If I had a piano recital, we would go at 8am before my performance.  If there was a major holiday, a natural disaster, a holy day of obligation, a birth, death, or a major change in well being-good or bad-WE. WENT. TO. CHURCH.

It felt like home.  My parents seemed to know everyone.  A good majority of my classmates went and there was always a familiar face. It was more than just a place of worship...we were a part of that community.

When I moved up to Napa I found a church and I went.  But I always felt like an outsider.  I didn't know anyone and every week it was as if I was just visiting.  The motivation behind this "item" being on My List is to try and begin to establish that feeling I had when I went to church growing up.  I want to become more involved.  I don't want to continue to sit on the sidelines as a visiting spectator and I hope that this first step begins to form a foundation from which I can continue to further my involvement

Conclusion: The jury is still somewhat out on this one. I know the change that I want from this "item" is not something that happens over night.  It is going to be a constant effort over a period of time...but I do feel like I have taken the first step...and as we all know: the journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step.

What's next: Get involved!  They now have my name. I am an official now it is up to me to find ways to become active in my Church community!

#27 Get a gmail account
Observation: Some people are WAY TOO "reply all" all happy!

Question: Why doesn't anyone else get annoyed by chains of emails initiated by the "reply all" button?

Hypothesis: If I get a gmail will organize my email and make the inbox cleaning & email review processes much less annoying.

Materials: A computer and an internet connection

Method: Create a gmail account

Results: My new gmail address is (insert drum roll here for dramatic effect):

Discussion: I'm still in the process of figuring out the format and logistics of gmail...but all in seems much improved to my hotmail account.  I was very pleased to see that I could import all of my hotmail contacts and emails. Thus, avoiding what was my biggest fear...having to manually add all my contacts and the need to manage multiple email accounts. 

In addition, I figured out how to add a second email account to my Blackberry.  Which I know, for all you tech savvy gurus is child's play, but for me...who, up until today, was still using a hotmail (insert gasp here) account, was a huge accomplishment.

Conclusion: The jury is still out on this one too.  Only time will tell if I find this system easier to manage...but so far things are looking up!

What's next: In the world of email...who knows...I've got a gmail account, a blog with multiple entries and a mobile phone that allows me to check email anywhere I go...what else could a girl ask for?  An abacus maybe??  ;o)

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