Thursday, December 29, 2011

#20: Sometimes it is the littlest things that bring the most joy

#20 Make a 1 sentence per day journal recording the happiest moment of the day

This one in pretty self explanatory...and although it is not done...I figured nobody would want to ready 366 entries in their entirety and thus it would be better to upload this one in instalments.

Observation: Too often I get caught up in my never ending "to do list" of workouts, house keeping, work, family obligations etc.,  that I forget to take a moment to reflect on all the blessing in my life including all the amazing, inspiring, selfless people I have surrounding me.

Question:  Is is possible to find time each day to focus on the blessings in my life amidst all the other distractions that my daily life involve?

Hypothesis: Five minutes of daily reflection will help me keep focus on all the things I have to be thankful for and will help to "Not sweat the small stuff" quite so much.

Materials: Paper and a pen or a computer & 5 minutes

Method: Document one moment each day that made me smile

Results: The First 58 days
2-Nov Text from Dad: Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Sedonia. Happy Birthday to You. All the monkeys in the zoo send the best regards to you. Happy Birthday to you. Love you. Dad

3-Nov FB Message from Tony Collins: "Ok so i thought I completed by birthday wish yesterday but apparently I accidentally closed the window before I was finished... so hear it is again maybe just slightly modified because now I've had some more time to think about it and give it that extra gusto it deserved..... Here Goes
Happy Birthday!!!! (this time i added an extra ! =P )
Just kidding. I hope you had a great day and I look forward to being included in your 30 list and hopefully in that 40 list. Take care!"

4-Nov Friday fun day! Getting off work at 4:45ish, knowing I had 2 whole days off!

5-Nov Surprise! Walking into a room to find 14 friends surprise me and knowing how much planning my parents and friends did to make this happen!

6-Nov Finding new pants…on sale…in dark colors that won't stain with wine!! Winning!!!

7-Nov Left overs make me smile! Remind me of the yummy dinner on Sat & make it so I don't have to cook after a long day at work!

8-Nov Ahh! New contacts=a car wash for your eye balls!

9-Nov Talking to Jess on the phone…hearing about her anxiety…but knowing deep down she is SO ready…mentally and physically!

10-Nov Seeing that I'm not the only nerd that is excited about tomorrow's date…

11-Nov Ummm…try every time I wrote the date: 11-11-11…enough said!

12-Nov When I got to leave work knowing that this was my last weekend work day until next August!!

13-Nov Doing final walk through and finding that the apartment is in good shape with no major damage!

14-Nov Finding out we had 16 days of 1000+ samples…longest 1000+ run to date.

15-Nov Seeing the picture of Miss Sophia in her "Bumbo"-that little munchkin is just too cute for words!!

16-Nov Getting a friend request from Shananana's Mama Jan!

17-Nov Enjoying the yummy goodness that is Rutherford Grill cornbread!

18-Nov Finding out Miss Sophia was on my flight to Arizona!

19-Nov Seeing Paula, Jess, Mary, Susie and Nick getting ready for their practice swim…my Little Guppies are all grown up!

20-Nov Watching Jess finish IMAZ in 16:59:05…I think my HR was 190!!

21-Nov Coming home to see my furry munchkins did not destroy my house while I was away!

22-Nov Seeing the care, concern and support my coworkers offered when I explained that I needed to take care of my mom.

23-Nov When I got to leave work knowing that I would be able to have multiple days at home for the first time since August!

24-Nov When Dad kept saying "this is so delicious!" over and over at my first solo attempt and Thanksgiving dinner.

25-Nov Going to the Firefighter museum in Napa and seeing how proud my mom was to be able to brag that Grampie was a Captain for the LAFD.

26-Nov Going to church with my mom…it's lonely going by myself.

27-Nov Going swimming for the first time since Oct 23rd at Silverado Spa.

28-Nov Getting to see my Baby Reeses at Mom & Dad's

29-Nov When Doctor Graw met me in the waiting room and said mom did wonderfully!

30-Nov After mom had rested for 6+ hours, she got up and said she wanted to get out of bed and try to sit in the family room and watch some TV.

1-Dec When my mom texted me that she got herself up and washed her face and brushed her teeth all by herself.

2-Dec When my mom requested I pick up a latte for her…she is beginning to crave normal food!!

3-Dec When my mom said she felt strong enough to try and go out to lunch.

4-Dec Realizing that although it was difficult to choose to close one chapter of my life, in doing so I allowed myself to open a whole new chapter full of possibilities.

5-Dec The feeling after completing my 60' spin, knowing that I got myself there despite not wanting to come when I left work

6-Dec Running 6 miles in <70 min, when I haven't run over 1 mile in probably 4 weeks!

7-Dec Spinning and T.B.L. with Margaret

8-Dec Peppermint Cocoa, homemade marshmallows and the Christmas episode of Parks and Rec!

9-Dec 3 calls to view the apartment…finally! Hopefully one of these will be the right fit.

10-Dec Joan's Biscotti Open House: Yummy food + Good wine + Great friends = The bestest Holiday Cheer

11-Dec Going to drop off my Giving Tree donation and having to climb over the piles of new gifts to get through the door!

12-Dec Gillian's home! After a long stay in ICU, the terrifying result of an aggravated nut allergy, she is finally back home! Now both Roman and Gilly have taught me-Life is a gift!

13-Dec Realizing that I can run with the treadmill on Level 7 for more than a minute without passing out or falling off the rear end.

14-Dec Finishing the largest production run I've every had with all controls and standards within limits!

15-Dec Getting an email from my good friend Tara…she always makes me laugh and I'm so excited for her and her husband's new restaurant to open!

16-Dec The surprising compliments I got from coworkers regarding my "Crock pot fudge" that isn't REALLY fudge…but still pretty yummy!

17-Dec Finding the 3-wheel Spiderman Scooter for the little boy in my section after looking for over an hour!

18-Dec Getting to see old Iron teammates at birthday and holiday parties.

19-Dec Getting the 2nd two books in the Hunger Games Trilogy in the mail

20-Dec FB post from Princess Jessica Lee: "Miss you Donie, love you bunches!!"

21-Dec Cleaning out my email inbox!

22-Dec Getting to see Rachel who stopped by work just as I was finishing up.

23-Dec Roman came out to say hi since he knew Phil & I were riding the Jelly Belly ride out of Benicia.

24-Dec Getting to see old St. Francis friends Sarah & Mark, Laura, Steph & Tara and Wendi & Matt too!

25-Dec Nick and Jess are engaged!!!

26-Dec Less than 200 samples at work…although I had a large production run, with everyone out & numbers low…it was so peaceful and relaxed!

27-Dec Finished Catching Fire: Book 2 in the Hunger Games trilogy…with The Help, that is the 3rd book since Thanksgiving…maybe I AM a reader afterall…;o)

28-Dec Unexpected email from Alicia Amaro…she is starting her own list!!!

29-Dec Made it to the gas station!! Drove with gauge on red all the way home from St Helena!

Discussion:  I think the thing that surprises me the most about that it's not that hard to find something to write about each day.  Even on those days when it seems like NOTHING goes the way I want it to...everything still, somehow turns out.  I'm beginning to grasp the concept that it isn't about getting everything I want right when I want it...but rather about getting what I need when the time is right. 

I still have another 10 months to go but this is turning into an easy, quick way to focus on the fact that life is never too complicated to not only smell the roses, but to take a picture so that you remember what a gift the rose really is.

Conclusion:  Life's blessing don't always show up in a grand fashion when expected, but often times they pop up unexpectedly in the most random of places!

What's next: The next 10 months...stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww....I need to start a gratitude journal now, too! I feel so warm and fuzzy that I can actually make you smile! :)
